Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Consequences of file sharing at UC San Diego

Consequences of file-sharing at UC San Diego

It explains feelings of two people who had used peer-to-peer file sharing. First, they didn't know what they are supposed to do.

The two main facts are:
  • Sharing copyrighted material with other users on the internet through peer-to-peer programs is illegal under Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
  • More than half of people who received copyright violations at UCSD were not aware their P2P program was distributing files.
She says that anything is copyright is illegal and we have to pay for it. People don't realize that universities are targeted and copyright that organization are looking for students. We can find other ways to copyright material legally like I tunes.
Consequences outside UCSD are heavy :
  • paying civil damages between $750 - $15000 per violation
  • imprisonment of up to 5 years and fines up to $250000
Consequences at UCSD :
  • Internet access terminated
  • Creation of disciplinary record
  • A meeting with the dean
  • Mandatory attendance of a copyright infringement class

According to my student's experience, I find it normal to be punish when you commit a sort of crime. Copyright files is like steal something from the author. Because of university have a high-speed for internet, a lot of people think that they could download without thinking about consequences. But as it is said in the video, copyright organization looking for students especially. Take megaupload for example, at the beginning it was a website where we can share files and people transformed it in illegal thing with movies or series. However, copyright is not only share files illegally, when you take a sentence which comes from website or a book if you don't add where it comes from it is also illegal. So we can say that copyright organization can be tolerant about it because they can't be everywhere.

I find this video really interesting because in it, it is not especially two people who know that they make something illegal. The girl said that she lend her laptop to her friend and this friend copyright. In a way, it is not her fault.

I think students have to control themselves about copyright, they just have to precise where information come from. Everyone has copyright once, pretending that one sentence or paragraph is from them.

Podcasting at UC San Diego

I choose a podcast which talks about how works the podcast in UC San Diego. Twenty seven lecture halls are podcast ready. Podcast files are available for viewing and download at podcast.ucsd.edu within a few minutes of being recorded. 

The system works like this:
  • faculties sign in to the podcast at ucsd.edu site
  • they select courses that they want to podcast
  • sign the podcast agreement
  • the class time are noted and the recording is automatically schedule
For example, they show a teacher, Jason J. Jones, in a classroom with a structure where a microphone amplify his voice and transmit the audio signal to a « mac mini » and it starts to record his lecture. After that, they send a lecture to a podcast server what is automatically made it available online. As the podcasting service grows, it is expending to include video podcasting, currently six classrooms have video capabilities. In the interview with Christine Bagwell who is associate director at ACMS (Academic Computing and Media Service), she says that podcast is important to them because they didn't have to take a technician with a camera which can be really expensive. It also said that the most important thing besides the audio is picking up this on the screen. Professor James C. Nieh, expert in animal behavior and communication, make an example. According to Christine, for someone from another campus thinking that it sounds great it is still important to understand that it is adding work for them. Indeed, first they have a way to check all the new request and they have a single button « add » to permit them to be online. Secondly, they have a schedule system checking if all courses are online at time. They had already thinking about this few years ago but the price made it impossible. It was twenty thousands dollars per room without counting a technician. And the idea to take a low cost equipment and fix it to mix it with the pre-existing equipment came. 

With some innovative thinking, many podcasting related tasks have been automated. By focusing of using open source software whenever possible and using existing classroom equipment UC San Diego’s podcasting system has been affordable and scalable.


Carmenne asks us to make a blog entry about difficulties that we encountered but my only difficulty was the time. Personally, I had to go to the library to have internet access so make a blog was difficult to schedule. But because I know how to use a blog and internet, it was fast to do my homework when I was in the library.

Concerning my learning of english, I didn't learn too much new words whereas the fact that I learnt how to make a good story for teaching to children (report to precedent blog entry).

What we have to pay attention for a story?


  • 3 visuals : cartoon, pictures, colors
  • 3 types : horror, humor, fairy
  • Language : Think about input and output
  • Sounds : use transparent words
  • Character : They have to be identifiable


  • Intonation + Rhythm
  • Gestures, mimes and facial expression
  • Speaking slowly and repeat 
  • Keeping eye contact and make children participate
  • Using pauses
  • Variation : changing voices


  • Play games : song, acting, quiz, masks, painting, drawing...

Which are the benefits of using stories?

Create stories have some benefits. We are not "author" for nothing. Indeed create stories can be a sort of entertainment for children and teachers. It is a way to break with a standard way to teach. we have noticed that when a lesson is a story, pupils pay more attention to this lesson and make them remember better. It create also an interaction between each other, make them talking. And of course, it improve their culture and they are more creative.