Monday, March 19, 2012

Making Teaching More Affordable

I choose to make twenty questions about this podcast. It's a video which talk about the fact that Stanford reduces student loans for graduates who teach in undeserved communities. We can see two people interviewed in that podcast, Efundunke Hugues who is a teacher in Berkley Maynard Academy and Deborah Stipek who is the first James Quillen dean and professor in school of education. You have to underline with your mouse after every question to see answers.

  1. In what intention Efundunke came in Stanford? She came in Stanford with the insentient to becoming a national engineer.

  2. What do they need more? They need more black engineers and black teachers also.

  3. Quote three things that she told about people needed ? They are respected, paid a lot and they definitely knew that much.

  4. What are the two thoughts that she talked about when she put herself through out of it? « Is this what I want to do? Is this for my passion? »

  5. What does it means STEP? ( You have to choose one )
     Stanford Teacher Education Program  = STEP
     School of Teaching Education Program 
     Stanford Teaching Educate Program
  6. What kind of program is it ?  ( You  have to choose one )
     Master  = is the kind of program of STEP
     Degree of doctor

  7. Fill the blank: I had one years sue ( 3 words ) try to rap( 1 word ) my head around what it is to educate( 1 word)? What it means to provide this model(3 words) teach to change the world?
  1. When Deborah Stipek talks about « Extraordinary people », she means students who learn how to be an « adorable » teacher? YES or NO ( No )

  2. What did they do on the first week of school? They focused on what they want to be when they grew up.

  3. If you go to Stanford, you are oblige to know how to dance? YES or NO (No)

  4. What you need to be able to? In what aim? Valuer direction, work together, to believe in yourself to be successful.

  5. When she had found out that she was accepted into STEP? Senior year

  6. What does she though? How much is gonna coast? There is no way , she can't afford it

  7. So What does she do? She sent an email to president Henessee

  8. What did she say to him? She has expressing her passion for teaching and missing that she couldn't afford the program so she couldn't afford how to be a teacher.

  9. What is the issue that she find for their students? They just have a book fees

  10. What does she think about the knowledge? That is something to share and you shouldn't be penalize because you can't afford an education.

  11. What kind of program Deborah talks about? In what aim? A forgiveness program will help students to consider Stanford and attracted them.

  12. Second Deborah, what is the profession of teacher? She doesn't think that they are any more important profession, it's our future.

  13. What is the biggest hope of Efundunke? That their students can go to college.

Story making

Story maker is an amazing way to teach and to learn. The principle is to put some words that you want as principals lines of your story and this software makes the story for you. Every step is explained. I think that for children it is really great because vocabulary is basic and simple to learn. I even will use with my little brother. There is my first story made by Story Maker : 

Monday, March 12, 2012


Wordle is a tool for generating “word clouds” from text that you provide.
The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text.
You can tweak your clouds with different fonts, layouts, and color schemes. 
The images you create with Wordle are yours to use however you like.
You can print them out, or save them to the Wordle gallery to share with your friends.
Last week we had to choose some word which had a common theme. Mathilde and I chose "The bedroom". Enjoy ;)

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Social network for teaching English?

Facebook, Twitter or myspace are some social networks that we use almost every day. 
To me, there is a moment to learn and there is a moment to go on Facebook. Of course we can do both, learn going on Facebook but this is not the principal aim of social network. It is a way to share, to talk with your friends and just to have fun. However, we can use our own social network, something that we have to create by ourselves, with our proper ideas. 
We could put on some homework that we have to do, a chat where we could talk about everything together, we could share newspaper's articles. The creation of a new website could be in one part a way to increase our computer skills and in a second part a way to learn a foreign language. 

But please let us have fun with Facebook ;)